Saturday, December 25, 2010

Just to wish all of our readers a very Happy and Holy Christmas. May you enjoy the time that you share with your families and spend a few moments just remembering the true meaning of this beautiful day. "Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of...

Friday, December 24, 2010

We've made it all the way through Advent and await the birth of the Baby Jesus but what would it be like if Jesus had been born in 2010? This video by excentric on Youtube certainly gives us a good idea.....

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Last night St. Cuthbert's Youth Group took part in the parish Advent Taize service, led by Shaun Purdy, freshly returned from Ushaw for Christmas. Not only did they read superbly but they brought forward and placed the figures in the church crib. For many, the depth of silence as we prayed in front of the Blessed...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Having just broken up from school, a small group of young people raided their local park for greenery with which to decorate St. Joseph's church for Christmas (it's OK, we did ask first!). Returning to the parish centre, they were helped by Andrea and Katie to create Christmas wreaths to go with the lanterns...

Rome may not have been built in a day but yesterday Bethlehem was, at least in miniature! Armed with glue, glitter, gravel, bark chippings, crepe paper, more glue, cloth, plaster, paper plates, even more glue, sand, toilet rolls, stones, wood and lots of glue, the children, young people and adults of St. Joseph's...

A small crowd gathered together quietly in the dark of last Friday morning. The reason? To surprise Jean Northey on her last day at work after 39 years as office manager at English Martyrs! Last July, Jean had encouraged, coaxed, cheered and supported 16 young people as they walked in pilgrimage along St. Cuthbert's...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Over the last few weeks Anne-Marie has been taking groups of Year 7 students at English Martyrs School through the Labyrinth in the chapel. This included many different activities and the Year 7 students who took part thoroughly enjoyed their experience. Take a look at some of the photographs below to see some...

St. Cuthbert's Youth group threw a Christmas Party this week, complete with silly games and more chocolate than anyone can reasonably eat (not that that stopped us!). Particularly memorable were some pretty cool dance moves performed whilst trying to keep balloons from falling on the floor, not least by some...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Each week, a group of children at St. Teresa's Primary School meet in the library at lunchtime to reflect on and pray about the coming Sunday's gospel. So how can bursting balloons help to understand the coming of the Son of Man? Check out the gospel of Matthew, chapter 24, verses 36 to 44 and see if you can...

Four 'Papal Pilgrims' visited the Youthi3 Three Parishes Youth Group last Friday to help spread the Pope's message. Putting the motto 'Heart Speaks unto Heart' into action, they spoke about their experience of being with thousands of other young people in Hyde Park to celebrate and deepen their faith. To finish,...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Some of our altar servers from St Cuthbert's parish travelled to St Mary's Cathedral in Newcastle on Saturday 11 December 2010 to celebrate the first Diocesan Mass for altar servers. The principal celebrant was Bishop Seamus Cunningham and there were over a hundred altar servers present from all over the Diocese....

During the Advent season the youth groups across town are playing their part becoming involved in the celebrations in each parish. As part of the this preparation for Advent, The 3 Parishes Youth Action Group joined forces with Youthi3 to hold an Advent Christingle Service. Not everyone in the church was sure...