Monday, January 31, 2011

Don't forget that this Wednesday see's our very first Winter BBQ take place at St Mary's Church on the Headland for Candlemas Day. We'll have fun and games, a BBQ and some time to share our faith with one another so come along at 5pm on Wednesday 2nd of February and join in with the fun! If you want more details...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

After the retreat for Year 11 has to be cancelled due to the snow before Christmas, the group have finally made it to the Youth Village this weekend and we've got a few pics to show from their experience so far: ...

Friday, January 21, 2011

We are very proud to present our first publication here at Hartlepool Youth Ministry and it's certainly been worth the wait. Some may call it a thriller by the way in which will leave you on the edge of your seats but one thing is for sure, you won't be able to put this one down! The Secret Diary of...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

With 211 days to go until World Youth Day this year the preparations are well under way. Four representatives from Hartlepool are going to be attending WYD2011 with Anne-Marie Lavelle and Bernadette Malcolmson representing English Martyrs School & Andrew Trueman and James Race representing the young people...

On Wednesday 2nd of February we are trying something a little bit different by hosting our very first Winter BBQ. This town wide event will be taking place at St Mary's Church starting at 5pm and we are looking for young people from every parish to attend so please get in touch with Anne-Marie, Jeremy or Miss...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Many of our young people decide to take a gap year before heading off to university but how many want to make such a big impact during that time as a former Student and head boy of English Martyrs, Tom Kitchen? He joined up to a program called Step Into the Gap which is run by CAFOD along with the Society for...

Friday, January 07, 2011

Twelve young people set off on a journey into the unknown yesterday, accompanied by 3 wise women and 3 wise men! All the young people knew was that they would, in some way, be following in the footsteps of the Magi. They got their first clues as to their destination on arriving at Hartlepool station and boarding...

Monday, January 03, 2011

When heading into a new year it always seems right to look back at the one we've just left behind. Since this blog was launched in 2008 we've had 110 posts (including this one!) and thousands of people reading our stories. Some people already knew about our blog, others followed a link from our friends at YMT...

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Just a quick blog to wish all of our readers a very happy and peaceful new year. We've come a long way since 2008 when our journey began and still have so many things we want to achieve in Hartlepool. May we all be blessed in our work with the young people of Hartlepool during 2011 and look forward to another...