Friday, September 28, 2012

St Margaret Clitherow House were our fourth group to come for their retreat this week. They have had an amazing time. Thankfully the weather finally cleared up enough for us to take advantage of the new fire pit up here at the Youth Village. Mr Hodgson couldn't wait to get in there and get his hands...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

St Thomas More House arrived and have settled into their rooms, they are definitely up for some fun and games. Here they are reflecting on the things in their lives that make them wonderful, based on the film "It's a Wonderful Life." After this they will be doing some drama interpretations on what they think...

...and it is still raining. It is reminding Anne Marie a little too much of the epic flood at the Summer Festival! It is not dampening the spirits of Y8 though. We are a little delayed this morning but they are being superbly looked after by YMT. A game of rock, paper, scissors never fai...

Monday, September 24, 2012

So here we are at the Youth Village, first time of many this academic year. The new Team up here are great and there are loads of them! Year 8 from Blessed John Ingram House are having. Great time already and Mr Morrison has been busting some moves in the first game we played. The theme of the retreat is...

Friday, September 21, 2012

This year's Not the 100 Mile Walk was yet another 'Best Year Ever' - there are so many highlights it's unfair to pick on any in particular but feel free to send your comments! We were called to a noble adventure in two senses- both in the 65 mile walk we attempted and in the challenge of following the gospel...

On the Thursday of GCSE results, there were 3 (well, 4 if you include Anne Marie) excited girls who were heading down to Walsingham for what was to be one of the best weekends of their lives. They spent 5 days in a field, in a tent, with about 1500 other young Catholics from across the country. It was an incredible...

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Today, Team Gambia 2013 took part in their sponsored bike ride, the first big event in preparation for their trip in February. They completed the 10k route at Summerhill in record time with glorious sunshine for the occasion. They all did really well and hope that they raise at least £100 each for the Jole...

On March 24th the young people of Hartlepool travelled down to Wembley Arena to take part in Flame Congress 2012. We joined up with the rest of the Hexham and Newcastle Diocese at Darlington where we boarded the Flame Train and this was a fantastic way to travel down to London in style for such a big event....

Friday, September 14, 2012

On Thursday Year 7 enjoyed their retreat day held in school. Each form group had their own role to play in the day and this culminated in the celebration mass which was a fantastic occasion for all involved. The groups and their tutors had a great time and here's a small video showing just a few highlights......

This morning we prayed for those in our lives and those throughout the world who suffer in any way. We remembered especially Christians who are persecuted for their faith and those who are not allowed to wear public signs of their faith in Jesus. We wrote our own prayer intentions and pinned them into crosses,...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

You may have noticed that 2012 was the wettest summer in 100 years! Sadly this disrupted many of our plans- The Big Beach Ball and It’s a Knockout 2 were cancelled (Washington were delighted to have the excuse!) and we had to move the St. Cuthbert’s Youth Group BBQ indoors (no photos, I’m afraid, due to the smoke). But...

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

During a short gap in the rain, the St. Cuthbert’s Family Fun Club headed off to Summerhill for a treasure hunt. Clues hidden in the playground were matched up to gave a map grid reference for where the treasure was hidden, a short bike ride away and excitement mounted as the two teams leaped on their bikes to...