Friday, February 15, 2013

A group of English Martyrs students from St. Thomas More House visited Hartfields Retirement Village again today. Last time we went, our students were taught how to knit; this time, our students were doing the teaching, showing the residents how to create works of art on an iPad! Everyone loved it and as much...

The Family Fun Club marked Ash Wednesday by reflecting on how Jesus' death gave us the chance to get rid of all the bad stuff in the world. Having thought about the things we would like to get rid of, both in our lives and in the world, we then stuck them to the cross using a variety of crafts. Our broken...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Friday Night Fun got all wrapped up last week but it wasn't because it was cold! No, it was the 'Let's Mummify People in Toilet Roll' game and it proved to be hit. Definitely one to try at home- but please ask your mum first! ...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Kev's School of Cacophony met up last night not just for the usual loud music but for a few pancakes too. There's a prize for anyone who can guess who this is showing off their skills and a pancake flipper! The group meets fortnightly on a Tuesday at St. Patrick's to learn new music to liven up the Mass and...

Friday, February 08, 2013

Kev's School of Cacophony played at their first Mass on Saturday night. The School is a group of young people, led by musical supremo Kev Walsh, who meet fortnightly to rehearse songs to play at Mass, fundraisers and other youth ministry and community events. Choosing a mixture of old favourites with one or two...

Monday, February 04, 2013

Some of our confirmation candidates got involved in their parishes at the weekend by serving tea and coffee after Mass in two parishes to raise money for the Confirmation Programme. At St Josephs Church £54.50 was raised by the confirmation candidates while St. Cuthbert's raised a further £37.50, a fantastic...