Sunday, March 31, 2013


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

As in previous years, we are holding a Walk of Witness on Good Friday, 29th March. Starting from their parish church, groups of people will walk to the War Memorial in the centre of town for 11.15 a.m. carrying a large wooden cross. At the War Memorial, the story of Jesus’ suffering and death will be read and...

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Here we are on our final day. Last night was amazing! We prayed that we would really know the love of God and to be assured that he will never ever leave us on our own. Kat from YMT led us in prayer this morning which followed in from last night, sharing the story of John McMillan with us. Google him and...

Saturday, March 23, 2013

A moment of reflection before lunch, in small groups. We have all been outside to collect items of nature that we can share something about our faith with. Lots of moments for us to stop and reflect on our faith and to pray this weekend. It is going so great and we are having so much fun. This afternoon we...

Philip has just led a session on who Jesus is and we are really starting to go deeper in to looking at the love of God and just how much he loves us. This is perfect preparation for our Mass which we will be celebrating later this evening as it is Palm Sunday. It seems the perfect beginning of Holy Week for our...

Good Morning everyone from an even more snowy Youth Village! This morning we have sang our hearts out in preparation for our Mass later on today. We are all belting out our Hosannas! Cody is leading us all in these new songs and obviously our favourite, Our God is Greater! Watch this space for more updates...

Friday, March 22, 2013

Here we are at the Youth Village with YMT. We have 30 students on retreat and the theme for the weekend is "Landslides." This is taken from a quote from Lord Alton, that when small stones move, landslides happen. This will challenge us to try and make a difference in the world and the way in which we perceive...

Thursday, March 21, 2013

St. Cuthbert's Primary School have been building a Lenten Garden in church over the last 6 weeks. It's not really a garden with plants, though. Instead, it's full of symbols that help us to think about the gospels of each Sunday during the Season. Just in case you've forgotten, here's a reminder: 1st Sunday -...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Last night Fr. Adrian came to listen to some of our young people as they got to grips with the future of the church in Hartlepool. This is an important question at a time when we are losing money, priests and possibly churches so it's important that young people make their voices heard as it will be you who will...

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The children at Friday Night Fun (our youth group at St. Teresa's and St. Patrick's) took a slightly different approach to Stations of the Cross last week, making their own with the help of lots of glue! It helped us all to reflect on Jesus' suffering and death and how that opened the way for us to be free of...

Friday, March 15, 2013

Last night five of our Hartlepool Youth Ministry people received an award for obtaining a Level 2 in Youth Work Practice. This is a nationally recognised youth work qualification helping us to improve the quality of what we do. Pictured from the left are Colin, Natalie, Marie and Jeremy. Unfortunately, Tracey,...

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A group of English Martyrs students visited the St. John Vianney Lunch Club today for the second time to help out serving the food and generally making sure everyone was happy. This is part of our school-parish link programme aimed at getting young people more involved in their parishes. Described as the 'bonus...

Monday, March 11, 2013

Blimey that wind was cold but it didn't stop us enjoying a little stroll through the North York Moors, between Ampleforth and Rievaulx Abbeys, to raise some much-needed funds for Hartlepool Youth Ministry. We all arrived safely, if a little frozen, just before the snow really set in. Deo gratias and also to Jane,...