Sunday, November 30, 2014

Here's the first video by Made for Glory which are being released as a digital, spiritual Advent calendar to help each of us prepare to enter into this season of joy much more deeply. The meditation for the first Sunday in Advent is based on Mark 13:33-37...

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

After a short break during the Mission, EMS were back at St. John Vianney lunch club with 4 new students. 'The best ever!' said Joan, the organiser after being very impressed with their washing up skills. We hope to be back again soon. ...

Monday, November 24, 2014

Whilst special events were happening at St. John Vianney and St. Cuthbert's too, I joined up with the good people of St. Mary's to celebrate Youth Sunday itself. It was a really special celebration, not least because Bishop Seamus was with us on visitation. He spoke movingly about our loving God and how we...

The Diocesan Youth Ministry Conference brought together over 200 people to share their experiences of youth ministry with each other. We were both entertained and inspired by David Wells, a man who knows  how to communicate serious theology to normal people better than anyone I've ever heard! Our stall...

Our now traditional Friday night extravaganza brought Bruce Forsyth out of retirement to host, once more, the greatest ever TV game show! We had people making pots out of clay, decorating cakes and Irish dancing with mostly impressive, and sometimes hilarious, results. We finished off the evening with time...

Sunday, November 09, 2014

An amazing weekend, planned and led by an amazing group of our young people. 74 people from 22 families, aged 2 to 94, enjoyed a fun and faith-filled weekend at the Youth Village. Our theme was communication and we spent our time creatively reflecting on four questions (see below for both questions and answers!). We...