Saturday, March 26, 2016

Yesterday members of the Holy Family parish walked from all six churches across Hartlepool to meet at the War Memorial for a special service at 11:15 to mark the end of our Walk of Witness. Young people from across the town read the stations of the cross to the crowd that gathered while other parishioners...

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

So we've made it to the end of our 12 Days of Christmas feature for another year and we'd like to thank you once again for sticking with us throughout this beautiful Christmas time. Today's instalment should teach you a thing or two about something that happens in many homes and churches on the Epiphany. Read...

Tuesday, January 05, 2016

We've almost made it to the end of our blog for this year but today we bring you another little bit of wisdom from Creative Youth Ideas. In the world we live in people are very quick to make judgements on each other but how do we deal with the...

Monday, January 04, 2016

We are currently in the early stages of the Year of Mercy in our Church and this is something you might have heard of but don't know a lot about. Our post for the 10th day of Christmas therefore is going to give you a little bit more explanation courtesy of a little video to outline some of the key points....

Sunday, January 03, 2016

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany when the Wise Men arrived at the stable to welcome baby Jesus into the world but have you ever heard the story about the Other Wise Man? Read this little story to find out more about the journey this Fourth Wise Man took to finding Jesus...&nb...

Saturday, January 02, 2016

Today is all about our feet! Don't look so worried, there's nothing that stinks about this blog post! Have a look at our little reflection today that will help you think about what you can do to Step Up to Life in 2016...&nb...

Friday, January 01, 2016

Happy New Year to all of our Blog readers! Are you feeling motivated? Are you ready for the new adventures that 2016 will bring your way? Well here's a little video to think about as we head into this New Year and how we can deal with the challenges that we will face throughout the next 12 mont...