Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Once again this year we visited Ampleforth for our Lenten retreat. The weekend was full of fun, games, laughter, prayer and reflection and we will be bringing you some videos shortly of some of the highlights of our weekend. For now though why not head over to Facebook and check out the gallery of images we've just uploaded. It's worth it just to see some of the outstanding Superhero costumes on display!

Lenten Retreat to Ampleforth, March 2015.

Posted by Hartlepool Youth Ministry on Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Once again this year we visited Ampleforth for our Lenten retreat. The weekend was full of fun, games, laughter, prayer and reflection and we will be bringing you some videos shortly of some of the highlights of our weekend. For now though why not head over to Facebook and check out the gallery of images we've just uploaded. It's worth it just to see some of the outstanding Superhero costumes on display!

Lenten Retreat to Ampleforth, March 2015.

Posted by Hartlepool Youth Ministry on Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Sunday, April 05, 2015

Happy Easter everybody! We've come to the end of our Leten fast, reached the end of the Triduum and here we are celebrating the new life that Jesus won for us by his victory over death. HE IS RISEN! Here is a little video that we posted a couple of years ago but it's worth reflecting on again... Oh Death, where is your sting? Oh Hell, where is your victory? Oh Church! Come stand in the light! Our God is not dead, he's alive, he's alive!

"I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies;
and whoever lives and believes in me will never die." - John 11:25-26

Happy Easter everybody! We've come to the end of our Leten fast, reached the end of the Triduum and here we are celebrating the new life that Jesus won for us by his victory over death. HE IS RISEN! Here is a little video that we posted a couple of years ago but it's worth reflecting on again... Oh Death, where is your sting? Oh Hell, where is your victory? Oh Church! Come stand in the light! Our God is not dead, he's alive, he's alive!

"I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies;
and whoever lives and believes in me will never die." - John 11:25-26

Saturday, April 04, 2015

Yesterday 120 people belonging to the newly formed parish of the Holy Family walked to the War Memorial in Hartlepool as an act of witness of Christ's journey to the cross. Parishioners walked from the seven Catholic churches around Hartlepool carrying a cross with then met at the War Memorial. Unfortunately the weather was poor but this didn't dampen our spirits and we simply moved the service to St Joseph's church. Thank you to everyone who got involved in our 5th Walk of Witness, a wonderful act of faith from everyone involved.

Yesterday 120 people belonging to the newly formed parish of the Holy Family walked to the War Memorial in Hartlepool as an act of witness of Christ's journey to the cross. Parishioners walked from the seven Catholic churches around Hartlepool carrying a cross with then met at the War Memorial. Unfortunately the weather was poor but this didn't dampen our spirits and we simply moved the service to St Joseph's church. Thank you to everyone who got involved in our 5th Walk of Witness, a wonderful act of faith from everyone involved.

Friday, April 03, 2015

This year saw our 5th annual Walk of Witness take place with members of the Holy Family parish walking from the 7 Catholic Churches around Hartlepool before meeting at the War Memorial. Watch the video below to see footage of the event:

This year saw our 5th annual Walk of Witness take place with members of the Holy Family parish walking from the 7 Catholic Churches around Hartlepool before meeting at the War Memorial. Watch the video below to see footage of the event:

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

We found this fantastic infographic earlier today from FOCUS -  The Fellowship of Catholic University Students - based in the United States. By their kind permission we've been able to share it with you and hopefully this will help you to have a better understanding of just what goes on in the Church these next few days during the Triduum.

Their blog has a lot of other great resources on it. Check it out at focus.org/blog

We found this fantastic infographic earlier today from FOCUS -  The Fellowship of Catholic University Students - based in the United States. By their kind permission we've been able to share it with you and hopefully this will help you to have a better understanding of just what goes on in the Church these next few days during the Triduum.

Their blog has a lot of other great resources on it. Check it out at focus.org/blog