Monday, January 06, 2014

We must love our neighbour as being made in the image
of God and as an object of His love - St Vincent de Paul

We must love our neighbour as being made in the image
of God and as an object of His love - St Vincent de Paul

Sunday, January 05, 2014

How lovely are Thy tabernacles, O Lord of Hosts!
My soul longeth and fainteth for the courts of the Lord

How lovely are Thy tabernacles, O Lord of Hosts!
My soul longeth and fainteth for the courts of the Lord

Saturday, January 04, 2014

It often happens that when we pray God to deliver us from some
dangerous temptation, and yet God does not hear us but permits the
temptation to continue troubling us. In such a case, let us understand
that God permits even this for our greater good - St Alphonsus Liguori

It often happens that when we pray God to deliver us from some
dangerous temptation, and yet God does not hear us but permits the
temptation to continue troubling us. In such a case, let us understand
that God permits even this for our greater good - St Alphonsus Liguori

Friday, January 03, 2014

When we must do something we dislike, let us say to God,
"My God I offer You this in honour of the moment you died for me"

Something for the younger kids to enjoy today for the Most Holy Name of Jesus which we picked up from to share with you all. For this little task you will need lolly sticks, coloured paper and some glue. You can easily get some lolly sticks from a shop like Tesco quite cheaply so why not give this task a try?

First you need to cut the lolly sticks down to size as shown in the photograph above. You can use long lolly sticks for the top and bottom edge of your frame but will need to cut some in half for the middle sections and even smaller for the bits that are going to go in between.

Once you've got all of your lolly sticks ready you need to glue them into place using the photograph above as a guide. As you can see these ones have been painted yellow and a bit of shiny wrapping paper has been used to really make the letters stand out here.

Have a look at this post from Lacy on to see the original article this story came from and for a few more examples of these Jesus name banners.

When we must do something we dislike, let us say to God,
"My God I offer You this in honour of the moment you died for me"

Something for the younger kids to enjoy today for the Most Holy Name of Jesus which we picked up from to share with you all. For this little task you will need lolly sticks, coloured paper and some glue. You can easily get some lolly sticks from a shop like Tesco quite cheaply so why not give this task a try?

First you need to cut the lolly sticks down to size as shown in the photograph above. You can use long lolly sticks for the top and bottom edge of your frame but will need to cut some in half for the middle sections and even smaller for the bits that are going to go in between.

Once you've got all of your lolly sticks ready you need to glue them into place using the photograph above as a guide. As you can see these ones have been painted yellow and a bit of shiny wrapping paper has been used to really make the letters stand out here.

Have a look at this post from Lacy on to see the original article this story came from and for a few more examples of these Jesus name banners.

Thursday, January 02, 2014

God does not command us to live in hair shirts and chains, or to
chastise our flesh with scourges, but to love Him above all things
and our neighbour as ourselves - St Charles of Sezze

Have you ever seen Angels We Have Heard on High played with four people using the same piano? Not only that but four people playing different parts of a grand piano at the same time? Neither had we until we saw this fantastic version by The Piano Guys. Enjoy!


God does not command us to live in hair shirts and chains, or to
chastise our flesh with scourges, but to love Him above all things
and our neighbour as ourselves - St Charles of Sezze

Have you ever seen Angels We Have Heard on High played with four people using the same piano? Not only that but four people playing different parts of a grand piano at the same time? Neither had we until we saw this fantastic version by The Piano Guys. Enjoy!


Wednesday, January 01, 2014

O Holy Mary! My Mother; into thy blessed trust and special custody,
and into the bosom of thy mercy, I this day, and every day, and in the
hour of my death, commend my soul and body - St. Aloysius Gonzaga

Yesterday we spent a bit of time reflecting on the year just gone and here we are at the start of a brand new year, a 365 day adventure, how exciting!

This year some milestones will be reached, some people may be celebrating their 16th or 18th birthdays and have massive decisions to make about college and university. You may go on holiday to a fantastic place, learn to drive, take up a new hobby or fine tune your skills in something you already do. Why not give yourself a challenge and try something new? You've got a fantastic year ahead of you, full of promise and opportunity and it is up to you to grab it with both hands.

Now here's a little task for you guys today, first of all go and find a year or tin somewhere that you can keep sealed. There's bound to be an empty sweetie tin or jar of sauce somewhere you can clean up after all of the Christmas festivities! Write 'Good Things 2014' on a label or a bit of paper it and stick it to the jar.

During the year make note of anything good that happens to you; achievements, surprises, moments that make you laugh or simply memories you want to keep safe. Put these notes into the jar and next New Year we will remind you to take a look inside and reflect on all of the blessings you've received during 2014.

O Holy Mary! My Mother; into thy blessed trust and special custody,
and into the bosom of thy mercy, I this day, and every day, and in the
hour of my death, commend my soul and body - St. Aloysius Gonzaga

Yesterday we spent a bit of time reflecting on the year just gone and here we are at the start of a brand new year, a 365 day adventure, how exciting!

This year some milestones will be reached, some people may be celebrating their 16th or 18th birthdays and have massive decisions to make about college and university. You may go on holiday to a fantastic place, learn to drive, take up a new hobby or fine tune your skills in something you already do. Why not give yourself a challenge and try something new? You've got a fantastic year ahead of you, full of promise and opportunity and it is up to you to grab it with both hands.

Now here's a little task for you guys today, first of all go and find a year or tin somewhere that you can keep sealed. There's bound to be an empty sweetie tin or jar of sauce somewhere you can clean up after all of the Christmas festivities! Write 'Good Things 2014' on a label or a bit of paper it and stick it to the jar.

During the year make note of anything good that happens to you; achievements, surprises, moments that make you laugh or simply memories you want to keep safe. Put these notes into the jar and next New Year we will remind you to take a look inside and reflect on all of the blessings you've received during 2014.