Friday, January 03, 2014

When we must do something we dislike, let us say to God,
"My God I offer You this in honour of the moment you died for me"

Something for the younger kids to enjoy today for the Most Holy Name of Jesus which we picked up from to share with you all. For this little task you will need lolly sticks, coloured paper and some glue. You can easily get some lolly sticks from a shop like Tesco quite cheaply so why not give this task a try?

First you need to cut the lolly sticks down to size as shown in the photograph above. You can use long lolly sticks for the top and bottom edge of your frame but will need to cut some in half for the middle sections and even smaller for the bits that are going to go in between.

Once you've got all of your lolly sticks ready you need to glue them into place using the photograph above as a guide. As you can see these ones have been painted yellow and a bit of shiny wrapping paper has been used to really make the letters stand out here.

Have a look at this post from Lacy on to see the original article this story came from and for a few more examples of these Jesus name banners.