Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Just under one week to go now until our Year 11 students head off to Africa once more and back to our partner school in Darsilami. The students and staff taking part this year are getting very excited about the trip and fundraising has been ongoing throughout the year. The team have hosted events such as a sponsored bike ride (see story in the Hartlepool Mail), a fashion show and most recently a race night. All of these events have not only helped to raise funds but also allow the students to develop a real team spirit which is obvious for everyone to see.

While the group are out in The Gambia the rest of us back here in Hartlepool will be starting each day with a prayer matching that which will be said by the team in Africa. This is just one way in which each and every one of us in our school community can contribute to what will hopefully be another amazing experience for all involved. Look out on the blog for some special updates on this throughout the week.