Friday, September 21, 2012

This year's Not the 100 Mile Walk was yet another 'Best Year Ever' - there are so many highlights it's unfair to pick on any in particular but feel free to send your comments! We were called to a noble adventure in two senses- both in the 65 mile walk we attempted and in the challenge of following the gospel that we discovered on the way. As we journeyed, we found Jesus waiting for us in our prayers and liturgies, in the beauty of the countryside around us, in our jokes and games and in our singing (thank you Kev!). And for at least four of our group, the words of Psalm 40 found new resonance!

The Pilgrims Path

Stuck in the mud!

Who's that tripping over my bridge!

Are we nearly there yet?

Giving thanks to God for our safe arrival

Proof that we made it!

I've seen worse...!


Unknown said...

i have been on the walk 3 time hoping to go next year the best part of the walk is meating new people it makes the trip

Aido. said...

Great memories looking at those photos.
Thanks everyone!