Sunday, December 30, 2012

Today is the feast of The Holy Family and you might be asking, 'Who is that?' Well, we can confirm that it definitely is not the Beckhams, or the Kardashians and it is not even the Royal family! The Holy Family are he most humble, poor, amazingly special and beautiful families of all time and the beauty of it is... we actually belong to that family too! The Holy Family is the family of Jesus, namely him, his mother and our spiritual mother, Mary and his step dad, Joseph.

We always celebrate this feast on the first Sunday after Christmas... but remember we are still in Christmas so we hope that you still have your decorations and tree up!

The Holy Family are the model family, they stuck together through thick and thin and just like us they had to work their way through the hard times too. Jesus was fully human and undoubtedly went through his teenage years like most teenage boys, playing games, having a laugh and kicking the equivalent of a ball around! The Gospel reading for today tells us how Jesus at 12 years old stayed in the temple in Jerusalem for days listening to and learning from the doctors while his family were worried, not knowing where he was. Family life isn't always easy, however, we can always look to the Holy Family as an example of a Mothers love and care of a Father.

Let us remember the importance of family today, especially when things get tough for us. We wouldn't be the people we are without them, we wouldn't be here at all without them! We have so much to give thanks for so why not tell your family today how grateful you are for them? Do something nice for someone in your family today, something that will make that person smile or allow them the chance to relax a little during this busy time of year.