Thursday, January 03, 2013

So, who has lost their Christmas cheer already? Who has given up or got bored with the presents that you were so excited about just a weeks ago? Who is already thinking about getting back to school next week and contemplating doing some revision or homework?

Well, you would not be alone! is still Christmas, and you know what...we can experience Christmas every day of our lives. If we hold on to its true meaning and forget about all the glitz of it, it is something that is worthy to celebrate every day.

The 'Incarnation!' God becoming present to us, as a human, in the form of a tiny little baby called Jesus. God doesn't just become present to us at Christmas though, oh no! Every single day of our lives we should celebrate Christmas, the presence of Christ with us, walking among us in our day to day lives. In the struggles of family life and friendships and in the times to rejoice.

How can we become more aware of the presence of God in our lives every day? How can we bring the presence of God to others who don't really know who he is? In what ways are you going to give thanks for the presence of God in your daily life? Remember...Christmas isn't never really is if it is part of your faith.