Thursday, February 03, 2011

What a great night! February 2nd saw us host our very first Winter BBQ held at St Mary's Church on the Headland and so many people turned up playing their part in a very successful evening. We had a few fun games in the garden before things kicked off then went into our prayer service around the fire . The wind blowing a gale around us may have put a dampner on the candelit parade we had planned but everyone played their part in the service singing along, writing down their hopes, giving out hearts or reading the gospel.

Once the service was over it was time to dish out the BBQ food which had been cooking away for us all during the service and to enjoy putting marshmallows over the fire while the rest enjoyed Brownies with Custard... yum! Finally we had the competition for the best designed Hawaiian Shirt prize going to Beth Allison even if everybody else did share her prize and Jeremy became a little too attached to the Pineapple!


Unknown said...

was a good night out that .. really enjoyed it ! :D:)