Saturday, August 13, 2011

What an evening we've had in Toledo tonight as we sampled our very first Spanish Fiesta! All of our host families were asked to bring some food along for a shared table and we've had a truly cultural experience filled with so much happiness and laugher shared between each of the countries represented. While the Fiesta was being prepared outside our group were most definitely those leading the singing inside of the church at the end of mass with much enthusiasm.

We were then given chance to spend more time together as a group, with the other nations also in the parish in Toledo and with our host families with everyone involved in the Days in the Diocese in Toledo attending the Fiesta. There is such a comradeship between everyone involved and it's amazing to see how we can get around the language barriers for the sake of experiencing something such as this as one group.

Once the food (and seconds!) had been eaten each country were asked to perform for the others. We got up and did our bit and made sure everyone else was on their feet to join in with the actions for the songs we were singing. The other groups also brought so much of their own cultures to the Fiesta and of course our Spanish hosts showed many things typical of life in Toledo, the highlight of which was most definitely the dwarf act!

Tonight just showed the respect that we each hold for not only our own group but those of South Africa, Mexico and Spain our hosts and how sharing in our Catholic faith with one another for this event has provided an opportunity never to be forgotten.


terrycurren said...

I hope that you all had a great day, even though it was a wet one! But I suppose that wouldn't matter at all. God Bless you all and grant you a safe return,. Terry