Sunday, August 14, 2011

We've only had a couple of days in the Parish of San José Obrero here in Toledo so far but it's been absolutely action packed since the very start. Today the Tribune newspaper gave a lovely write up on our time so far in the host parish which you can read here if you can understand Spanish better than we can!

Father Alberto has been very welcoming to all of us and has tried his best to make us feel a part of his parish and it's been great to share in each of our activities with the host families who are able to attend. He certainly is quite a character and shall always be remembered by our group for the Eurovision joke he cracked from the Altar this morning when we were the only group to understand what he meant in giving Spain 12pts whilst the South Africans, Canadians and Mexicans looked on with blank expressions.

I must admit, however that our group from England do appear to be having something of an identity crisis just now. Fr Alberto welcomes each nationality to each of the activities that we share together naming South Africa, Mexico and Canada without too many problems before announcing our group as simply being from 'Newcastle', ironic therefore that none of us are actually from the city itself!

The greatest thing about the parish of San José Obrero is in how young and old have come together to celebrate at every opportunity. Wether we are sharing in something as big as the Fiesta last night or simply travelling by bus to another area of the city together, it's all done with so much enthusiasm from everyone involved.

Anyway, time for even more delicious food as we prepare for yet another four course meal with our host family, ahhh so much to eat and so little time...